When the truth is (probably) a lot less fun...

Despite being a bit of a skeptic, I have to say I was intrigued last week when internet headlines touted the possible discovery of Atlantis. (For anyone unfamiliar with the story: a Google Earth user spotted a mysterious underwater grid off the coast of Africa that had the online world debating whether the mythic island had been found at long last.)

Of course, scientists, topographers, and Google itself immediately debunked the claim, coming up with (alas) a perfectly reasonable, man-made explanation for those visible-from-space geometric trenches...

It got me thinking...would we really want to discover the truth behind the legend of the city that sank into the sea? Like Camelot, the City of Gold, or The Fountain of Youth--Atlantis has fueled the imaginations of creative, literary, and scientific minds--including Plato's--for centuries (in this case, millennia). And, you have to admit, the results are often quite a lot of fun.

Certainly fans of NYT best selling author Lynsay Sands have had a lot of fun with the myth--as Atlantis and its futuristic technology serve as the birthplace and basis for the vampires in her Argeneau Family and Rogue Hunter stories.

By the way, fans, begin the count down...Lynsay's next paranormal THE IMMORTAL HUNTER is just one month away!


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