One person got married and gave birth to a daughter. Not exactly crazy, she said, but it kept her busy. Then, the conversation stalled because we realized we've led rather boring and uneventful lives.
Jenny Carman in WHEN SHE WAS BAD has the same problem. She's tired of dating the Laundromat on Saturday nights, tired of not getting the promotion she deserves. So, she decides it's time to let down her hair and be the bad girl she's always wanted to be...only it gets her into more trouble than she bargained for.
So what was the craziest thing you've ever done...and may I borrow your stories for my next reunion?
I drove the Staten Island ferry (with no license) making it corkscrew across the Hudson much to the shock of its passengers, formed an official Dead Poet's Society in college and acted as its president (taking no credit for acts illegal or otherwise)realized how lame those outlandish things were and started writing historical fiction.
In a nutshell.
7:09 PM
I stayed out all night in Rome with a boy I'd just met. We actually spent most of the night walking through the Coliseum. Talk about crazy and dangerous!
We actually had a psychic experience (that maybe I'll work into a fiction novel someday ... Or maybe not. :-)) I saw myself in another lifetime as a man. He saw himself in the same lifetime as a woman. We were romantically involved.
Is that crazy? I don't know. Was it bad? Not hardly. But it really did happen.
7:23 PM
Love the post, Erika!
When I was in college - I went to the Mississippi University for Women, just as my mama did and her mama before her - my roommate and I decided to go to Miami with her boyfriend and his best friend.
To buy a hat. (It seemed terribly important at the time, trust me.)
In his Corvette.
All four of us.
My roommate and I had to sit on the boys' laps. (The boys started bitching about an hour into the trip that 124 pounds or not, we were too damn heavy to sit on their laps for a five hour road trip.)
We were chased by cops in Alabama. (Both times, actually.)
Um. Let's see. We got the hat. Had some more beer. Drove back to Mississippi. It was the craziest night.
From what I remember, anyway. LOL.
7:42 PM
I have done many crazy things---but I love the water. I took my children and friends, niece and nephew to a local lake that has what they call an "iceberg". It's rock-climbing in the middle of the lake. I looked at my niece and said "Let's do it." Holy cow--I didn't know I weighed so much! There were teenage boys climbing rapidly past me. I arrived at the top and thought "What the heck was I thinking?" It was 20 feet to the water. My niece and I jumped off the side and I brought my legs up so I wouldn't go straight down to the bottom. Wow---I got a smack on the rear that was the equivalent of a belly flop. I'll never do that again. ;-)
7:44 PM
Craziest thing I've ever done? Drove over Cameron Pass in Colorado with my husband. We swore never, ever again. This was back in the 70's, so it might not be so bad now.
The stupidest thing I've ever done was forget to do a decompression stop after a deep water dive.
7:48 PM
When my son was little, we came up with a plan together--a plan to rid our front yard of snakes. We poured gasoline down the hole and lit a match.
My son didn't have eyebrows for a month. My husband said, "And you're the adult?"
7:53 PM
I too have done many crazy things. But one of the driving stories above reminds me of the time I was in a car with another girl and two guys, one of whom was driving. We were joy riding on the highway in the midwest, late at night. He buried the speedometer (this was in the 70's when cars could still top out at 120mph) and suddenly we heard a very loud POP and the car died. We'd blown something, I have no clue what, but we COASTED TWO MILES into a small town, turned down Main street, traveled more three blocks and had to put on the brakes to park.
I pray my kids or grandkids never get in a car and do something that stupid.
8:06 PM
I crashed a wedding reception.
The details are fuzzy but my parents and I had planned to eat at a hotel in Macon where they lived. We passed a room with music and laughter and a sign that read Mercer. Well, Daddy and I were Mercer University alumni and Mama worked for Mercer, so we slipped in, thinking maybe there was a Mercer related party.
By the time we spotted a woman in a big white dress we had sampled the buffet and wine from an open bar.
We enjoyed meeting people and watching the fun, as friends of the groom, of course.
The crazy thing was that I spend most Saturdays photographing weddings with my then husband.
Thinking we should slip back out soon, my parents danced and congratulated the happy couple and met the Bride's parents who invited us to meet them and the wedding party for breakfast the next morning.
We skipped out for the bubble blowing exit and the breakfast.
8:17 PM
I sat on the very edge of the cliffs at a fortress, Dun Angus, in Ireland. We're talking like a 500 foot drop to the rocks and ocean below. I was totally casual about it, but my husband freaked out, grabbed for me, and chastised me the whole way back to the mainland. It was a loooooong bike ride and ferry ride. Only when I got home did I start having nightmares about falling.
8:38 PM
Hmmm. Crazy things...Where do I begin? Let's see. I was only one of three women in a State Patrol Trooper Academy of thirty back when women were about as welcome as an inconvenient rash.
I married another cop.
I gave birth to triplets.
I drove in demolition derbies...
I could write a book. Oh.
I did. :)
8:46 PM
During my "macho" days:
I'm absolutely terrified of heights, but let myself be talked into tandem skydiving, just to prove I could defeat any fear. Had nightmares for months about the falling sensation (was pretty cool after the parachute opened though).
Chased bears out of campsites on backpacking trips. One didn't want to be chased, stood up and came forward swinging these massive paws at us. Eeek!
Shari Boullion
9:10 PM
Okay, I'll bite. My craziest thing was right after I married my husband. We lived in a college town. One night, we jumped the fence surrounding the huge stadium and "made out" on the fifty yard line. He kept saying, "Be prepared to get arrested." I kept saying, "Can we go now???"
10:03 PM
When I was in the military, about 15 of us rented a room on Bourbon Street for Mardi Gras. I'm not saying what happened, but I thank heaven every day that 'Girls Gone Wild' wasn't around yet.
10:09 PM
LOL! I can't stop laughing!!!
12:09 PM
I was in a production of Hair. If you have ever been in, seen, or heard anything about Hair, you know what this is crazy
12:14 PM
I once bit a guy's tongue. We were doing our normal college crazy Saturday nights. And after a few beers we started talking about sex (what else do college students talk about).
A guy I never had any sexual feelings for said he'd kiss me and I told him if he tried, I'd bite his tongue.
I suppose he didn't believe me, so when he put him tongue in my mouth...
Would you believe we're still friends today and he has no memory of the incident.
12:41 PM
My, my, my - craziest thing I ever did was end up at an anti-war protest. Fresh from small town America, my girl friends and I heard something on the radio about police rushing to the scene of a riot so we decided to go see what was going on. Fortunately, we had some older, wiser friends follow us and keep us from getting arrested.
12:36 PM
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