It's pretty clear that it's time to consider building an ark.

The rain outside my office window is pretty similar to the rain at the start of the movie THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (A Fox film).

No, that's not me on top of the taxi, but I sort of felt like this while pushing my way through the monsoon this morning.

Though a pretty lousy movie, it is interesting in that the characters who make it do so by hiding out in the NYC Public Library, which says something about the protective and restorative power of books.

In the meantime, for some rainy day reading, I suggest LOST AND FOUND by Jacqueline Sheehan. It has a dog--and of course I'll be loading my ark with dogs, a couple of cats, and not too many other animals, because they're just too weighty and would require a certain degree of taming.

Anyway, I'd need to leave room for books.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Haha... that's pretty extreme duncha think. Don't buld an ark, but those deflatable ones, cheaper and saves you a hell lot of time and you can carry it around everywhere you go like a security blanket!

10:58 PM  

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