Hello! I'm Kristina, the newest addition to the team here at Avon, and I wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself. I'll be handling the online world, reaching out and spreading the word via the net about all things Avon.

I arrived in August just in time to be part of the new website launch.  If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check out www.avonbooks.com!  Along with the awesome new design, we hope to make it one of the most exciting and interactive book sites on the web.

Authors are getting a chance to share more than ever before.  We also have original videos, author essays, book tour info, press for our books, polls, and more.

Not enough for you? Well don't forget our fabulous sweepstakes!  If you love romance the way I do, then you won't want to miss the chance to win the exclusive Autographed Avon Banner--signed by over 50 of our authors at this year's Romance Writers of America conference.  (I was sad to miss RWA this year but am already planning for RWA 2009!)

Gotta run, but more to come from Avon Online!

Kristina M. Jutzi
Online Marketing Manager
Avon Books/Avon Inspire/Avon A/Avon Red

Visit www.avonbooks.com !


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