Apparently, the key is to Learn to Cook!

We all know that Oprah isn't really a fan of romance, but so many of us are fans of OPRAH! And this afternoon she had Rachael Ray as her special guest.

For those of you who don't know Rachael, she's the young, cute, and extraordinarily perky author of some great cookbooks. (OK, they aren't Morrow/Avon cookbooks--we also have some great ones! One of my favorites of all time is Patricia Wells' TRATTORIA.)

Anyway, today she had a recipe for the "You Won't be Single for Long Pasta". I haven't tested it yet, but from the looks of things, it might even be better than the legendary "Engagement Chicken"!

I'm not quite sure if these dishes work both ways--it might be fun if some men out there tried it out on the women! One thing I will say for sure: do not stick a ring in the food--either in that chicken or buried in the spaghetti. That will get you nowhere at all.


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